Thursday, June 19, 2014

Soul Sucker redux--Self serve Hyphen Therapy without "F" bombs

I have been thinking a little about the Soul Sucker and the relationship that once existed between she, Gastric Friend and myself.  I think there was an element of jealousy involved when the relationship started to deteriorate, months prior to the actual "break-up"  Seems to me she might have been a little jealous of the relationship Gastric and I enjoyed and continue to enjoy.  Many the times when Gastric might not have been here Soul Sucker would try, and many time succeed, in turning me against Gastric.  Additionally she kept track of Gastric's time off, on the pretext of worrying about all the time she might be taking off.  Soul Sucker would rant on how Gastric was working without pay and would never be able to retire on time, when, now, I realize she should have minded her own business.  After the break-up I found out she would do the same thing to Gastric when I was out for the day; feigning concern over my intake of prescribed medication and how I was literally falling apart.  Some of her distress was over the fact that unlike earlier therapy with Pat, I never discussed Hyphen and my therapy sessions with her.  And she thought I was telling Gastric, which I wasn't.  She disapproved of our use of Hyphen Therapy and the "F" bomb usage, which is a requisite of the therapeutic process.  This in spite of the fact that her son and husband use that word with regularity variously as a noun, verb and adjective.

After the actual break-up and before she retired I wrote a note to her which I never had the chance to give to her.  It reads as followed:

Given the constraints you have placed on your relationship with (Gastric) and me, that is not breaking or having lunch with us because we embarrass not only you but the Library as a whole, an argument I find quite disingenuous, I think for the sake of work we remain acquaintances and only have contact insofar as it relates to work. Having a friendship with you is no longer an option for me.  I have endured your biases and anger for far too long to be comfortable with any other type of relationship.  I am as much to blame for this as I have put up with your angry words and stereotypical remarks regarding racial and ethnic minorities for too long and was never comfortable with this.  Nor am I comfortable with your continued negative remarks about the library, its staff and your co-workers, whom on one hand you disparage and on the other sidle up to in the most hypocritical of fashion.

That was the letter that was never sent.  Now I feel better for sharing it with you.  

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