The fault, dear Brutus, is not in the strings but in ourselves.
Was able to change strings today and that didn't make as much difference as I had hoped. Of course it is cold in the condo and I didn't warm up so mayhap my arthritic hands were cold as well.
Miserable day in East Lansing...the 13th of June and it is 57 degrees out. Let me say that again...57 Cold and Windy Degrees. And that is the high today. Damn climate change making this a cold day in my little corner of Hell. Cats are all over me for body heat.
I have been avoiding her all week. That crazy neighbor who shall remain nameless. I will go down tonight and set the ground rules all over again. I think she has Borderline Personality Disorder, AKA The I Hate You, Don't Leave Me Syndrome. She is too much to handle much of the time. I hope she is in relative good spirits tonight. She was a little jealous of the fact that we saw Book of Mormon and didn't ask her to join us. The last time we took her to the show she literally pushed me to the head of the ticket line to get to,our seats. I said to me I wasn't going to go through that again with her. One boundary I set and keep to. I will go down about 7:30 and stay for Jeopardy, dazzling her with my quick responses. Of course my whole education was geared towards playing and winning Trivial Pursuit and Jeopardy. I literally have a garbage can for a mind. These days, however, something new goes in while something old leaves.
Okay, so I call my neighbor crazy, which is pot like behavior. That is a bipolar roller calling the situational agoraphobic crazy. But who better to know crazy but crazy?
Oh, mercy, the sun is almost out. That will warm things up to all of 58 degrees. It damn well better warm up tomorrow. Of course I am too stubborn to close windows or put on something other than shorts and a sweatshirt. It's summer, for God's sake. And this is how we are treated?
Time for some music.
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