Monday, June 23, 2014

Red sky in mourning

Yes, the sun is on the rise.  I look forward to a busy week.  Much ado. On Friday I have a meeting at 7:30 in the morning, lessons in the afternoon.  I need a nap just anticipating the coming week.  Lesson for me tonight and I feel ill-prepared. Oh, well, he is used to that from me.  The new strings, however, are delightful and sound much better, even if I don't.

Still in a funk of sorts.  I just feel overwhelmed with life.  What will we do at Hyphen's today? And will it storm during session?   I like having her sliding door open.  And who the hell mows grass on a Monday afternoon?  Doesn't that neighbor know I have angst to deal with?  Hyphen's office is in her abode, in a little room with textured paint on the walls that I just noticed in a bipolar moment a few months ago and I have been seeing her for quite some time, but less than five years.  I don't want you to think I am nuts.  Just disturbed.

More later.

Addendum: as of 12:54 p.m. it is raining.  Mayhap no lawn mowerage today.

Might have a few words to speak about the Polar Vortex soon.  It makes me knit my brows just thinking about it.

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