Thursday, June 26, 2014


An art and literary term mostly.  I was pondering this as I envisioned myself crossing a street with two way traffic and saw myself being struck by a car.  Could be an over active imagination or the depressed bipolar talking, but it made me wonder.  What if we all have a foreshadowing of our actual demise?  I mean, what if on the 20th of December 1985, Dorothy awoke to the thought "this is my last day, better wear clean underwear".   Just wondering out loud.  What if we knew, actually knew, as some do, this is it.  What would you do?  Would you still go about your day as if you had more time, or somehow make amends for real or imagined wrongdoings.

We are all on a clock.  We only have so many ticks.  Knowing that, why don't we act more justly, more patiently, less quick to anger or  insult?  In other words, live a good life.  Whether we believe in some sort of higher power, karma, or just living a decent human life why aren't we more mindful of our actions.  The clock is ticking.  We are back to Donne, I fear, asking not for whom the bell toll, blah, blah,,blah.

So, if you are crossing a street with two way traffic, what would you do?

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