Thursday, June 12, 2014

What's in my Inbox?

I have too much "stuff" in my inbox, not the least of which is the death notice for my great aunt Martha who passed away in December of last year.  I don't want to get rid of it.  Thanks to my cousin Marcia I have many photos of the trio we called the Aunties, three of my grandmother's sisters who never married and always lived together.  She was 104.  But you never know, Hyphen would opine.

She was the last of the great aunts and a great aunt she was.  School teacher and mentor.  All the aunts, married or not, were terrific people and I miss my extended family of my youth.  I grew up in Detroit when that was something to be proud of.  I rarely go back these days.  Too sad...too many graves. 

But I's to the Aunties wherever they may be.

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