Sunday, October 5, 2014


Lovely day for one of the last trips of the year to the farmers' market.  As usual, I bought too much, but the tomatoes looked fabulous, the peppers, eggplant, zucchini, and acorn squash.  Lovely.  And a lovely loaf of rustic brad.  I am making chicken wings for dinner in my new air fryer and will have some bread on the side.  I might make my ratatouille for dinner tomorrow.  I also purchased a lovely brisket for the annual Hannukah festivies in December. Yes, I am planning this already, as well as a pasta party for Christmas Day.  I am tying out some recipes on me now and see that makes it onto the holiday tables.  Going to watch football and relax a bit today.  The cats are all ready for me on the couch.  Getting ready for lunch the  a nap.  Start cooking about 6:00 if I am going to make the ratatouille for dinner for tomorrow.  Tuesday I start my prep for Wednesday's colonoscopy.  Yay.  That should be it for tests for a while.  And then after the colonoscopy I am going to a concert.  Preservatio Hall Jazz Band.  I am looking forward to that.  So that is my day.  The Yom Kippur fast went well.  I did go to services and then broke fast at about 8:00.  We ordered food in from a rather bad deli, as it turned out.  You know, since I left Detroit I haven't had decent corned beef.  Still looking.  The closest I came was Zingerman's  in Ann Arbor but the place is a zoo.  Not worth the hassle or the trip A2.  Okay, lunch is calling.

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