Wednesday, October 8, 2014

'Tis today

Yes, I am clean inside and out and it is colonoscopy day.  Yee-Ha.  On a more pleasant note tonight I am going with a friend to see the Preservation Hall Jazz Band.  I have seen then before, but not with this roster.  Last time I saw them I was on a drunken trip to New Orleans and actually saw them at Presevation Hall in the French Quarter.  The trumpet player cleaned his spit valve at my feet.  Those were the days.  Yes, indeed.  I went to NOLA on a lark that started as a trip,to see Hot Springs, Arkansas but need up two days later in New Orleans.  On arrival in the city we were rear ended and although the insurance company totaled the car out and gave us cash, they let us keep the car and after a few hours at a Sears Automotive we were on the road again with cash to spend for a week in New Orleans and a leisurely drive back to East Lansing.  In 1979 this was, the year MSU won the NCAA basketball  tourney with Magic.  I watched the game in Metarie at a friend of a friend's house, high on wine and marijuana and life in general.  So I ponder this today in anticipation of seeing the Jazz Band tonight.

They just moved my test up from 3:00 to noon so I must attend to the details.

Some day I am just going to let the spell check have a field day and let go what it thinks I say.  Until then...adieu.

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