Thursday, October 9, 2014

Post colonoscopy

Went well.  A slight flare of the colitis and a polyp.  Yee-ha.  All that pain and angst for naught.  I thoroughly enjoyed the Preservation Hall Jazz Band last night; stayed awake for the whole show.  The tuba player was a hoot.

Gastric is out for the second day.  I imagine the move to her new digs caused her a great deal of pain so she was out yesterday (as I might have imagined...with me being real reason to come in...oh, Self, you are so self).  Today I know her son had a teacher's conference so I imagine between the pain and the need for him to have the car she decided not to come it.

Today was the grand tour of the "new" technical services.  The scavenger hunt commences at 1:00.  I waited until the official tour was over before heading out to Subway to get sandwiches.  Just ate lunch and am waiting for the 12:30 heartburn attack.  I was gifted a no bake cookie which I just may have to eat. 

I have to grocery shop today as Gonif is running low on his turkey.  I will cook up a roll for him tonight and chop it up.  The other two eat kibble without the scarf and barf feature but not so Gonif.  Special food for my little buddy, whose eighth birthday is tomorrow.

That's about it for now. 

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