Thursday, October 2, 2014

We aren't racisits (we just act like them)

This story was on NBC this morning.  The Today Show.  A women is suing a sperm bank because they accidently inseminated her with a African American man's sperm.  The couple in question is lesbian.  Blonde haired and blue eyed, or blue hair and blonde eyes, I can never tell with racists.  The mother wanted a similarly hued child for her partner.  What is upsetting the mom said the following:  She has to take her daughter to a bad part of town to have her hair cut and she (the mother) stands out (much as I guess her biracial daughter does, the mom must feel).  Also, she is afraid her daughter, and this is my take on it, won’t be privy to white privilege, like her parents, and will not be able to go “freely anywhere in the world”.  She is suing the Ohio (yes, this is in Ohio) for damages and $50,000 in compensation. 

I am terribly incensed at the parents of the child.  The mom says she hopes her daughter understands that “this isn’t about race” (her words)  What the hell is it about?

For the whole story from NBC.

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