Monday, October 27, 2014


This will prove to be a busy week.  Monday I have therapy and my mandolin lesson. Tuesday a haircut and dinner with friends.  Wednesday the furnace gets winterized.  Thursday I meet with my contractor and Friday I teach guitar.  The weekend looks far.

For some reason and I will discuss it with the mandolin doctor I fear praticing.  Once I get through what I am learning for the following week I feel better but basically practicing is a chore and it shouldn't be.  I love music and I am slowly getting better on the mandolin but I think if my mindset were better I would pick it up faster.  Yep, I need an attitude adjustment.

I am waiting to hear about the down payment on the house.  I get paid, monthly, on the last day of the month so it would work out well if I could cut a check this weekend. I'd feel better if they had some earnest monies and the sign in front of the house said sell pending.  Brad, the contractor, is coming Thursday to discuss the renovation.  I am prepare to have the kitchen completely torn out, the bathtub taken out and the floors redone, as well as th house painted.  I'd like the wall paper in the dining room gone and a two tone paint job done.  Brad wants to talk about some plumbing issues and some outside cosmetic issues.  I listen and spend.  I have a notebook full of changes I want and so does Brad.  I listen I spend.

I am floating type.  There is still some unresolved tension with Mal. I just have to talk to Hyphen and let her know how I feel.  Some of the anxiety is about the house and wanting to put up the earnest monies.  Once that is done I will feel more in control of the situation.  And getting started on the kitchen and bath tear outs and knowing I have the funds to do what both Brad and I want will relieve some stress.

So. It is 2:30 Monday morning, I am wide awake, and anxious.  Some of the new cat furniture will come this week.  It will look great in the new house.  My music room/bedroom currently looks like a staging area.  Framed pictures, furniture, a new vacuum.  Yep, I am out of room.  I will double my space at the new house.  And you know I know what I am doing.  My aunt called last Saturday and tried to tell me what I should do regarding the new residence and I wanted to crawl through the phone and rip her face off.  I have a notebook of concerns and ideas and I am on top of things.  I just want to get moving. I guess, I felt like she was maybe treating me like I was a child, and really she is just treating me as if I were her child.   I consult my new house notebook daily, adding new items and concerns.  I think I am sold on getting the tub ripped out and a walk in shower installed.  I am almost certain to put in a security system, which will help with my homeowners insurance.  Motion lights outside and on the front porch.  I am now just thinking out loud and this is helping me to relieve some stress.  Now, if I could just sleep some before going to work...


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