Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ms. Cranky Pants here.

C'est moi.

Had a quiet evening at home.  Spoke with my contractor and we are getting together in a week to go over plans.  I am both dreading and looking forward to that.  I will go by what he wants to do.  We spoke briefly yesterday and he had some good ideas.  I am thinking of having the bathroom tub turned into a stall shower, something befitting my senior status.  Like I say, we will talk.  And then he can speak with the financial guy and we can take it from there.

Tomorrow is a big donors' dinner on campus.  They are setting up huge tents in the shadow of Beaumont Tower.  Business casual is the attire.  Looks like a an enjoyable evening.  The food sounds splendid. Additionally Saturday is the big rivalry football game MSU/UM.  The students are guarding the statue of Sparty.  So it is green tomorrow and Saturday cheering the home team on.  Go Green

I was looking at today's date and thought it was November 23rd  and had a moment.  The day that Jack Kennedy was killed my mother wrote that date on the basement wall near the ironing board (November 22, 1963)  I thought this weird as she was a Goldwater Republican (it happens in the best of families) and not the most tolerant of others.  I never knew it it was as in a remembrance of the man or the day history started anew for her.  She hated Democrats...blamed FDR for the Holocaust.  Imagine her disgust when I turned into one of the people she hated.  And my dad would forever tease me about cancelling my vote out at the polling place.  I don't think my mom voted much.  My dad did, also a Goldwater Republican (it happens).  As I think back they were the only Republicans in the family.  So the apple did fall far from the tree, or, more appropriately, the shit fell farther from the bat.

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