Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How can I keep from singing

I practiced for almost an hour this morning, some of the time devoted to playing the above song on the new instrument, the Irish bouzouki, hereafter referred to as Ib.  It's an interesting instrument and I am anxious to receive the lesson book I purchased. The instrument lends itself to picking rather than chording.  But the frets are so wide apart I really need the dots on the neck to help keep me focused.  Meanwhile Winging It is getting more detailed, adding chords and more intricate picking.  This is taking my mind off the colonoscopy, now scheduled for the 8th and the impeding CT scan to happen sometime this week.  It best not be Saturday as that is Yom Kippur. I would refuse the test that day as I shall be fasting.  But music, too, is my religion.  So I strum, pick and play.  And since I have been off the arthritis drug that made me so sick my hands ache more and feel stiff.  So I play more...use it or lose it is my motto.

Not wild ideas, idle or deep thoughts.  Just tests and music.

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