Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What the hell...redux

Well, at least I slept three hours tonight.  That is better than the last few nights.  So I am up and getting ready for tomorrow's colonoscopy.  Love it.  Clean, clean d more clean.  Liquids all day and then the prep solution at 6:00 p.m. And again at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.  And in between I have a close relationship with the bathroom.  And the darn cats better stay out of my way.  Happy, happy, joy, joy...

The CT scan found nothing unusual.  The new medication has helped with the abdominal,pain.  So hopefully all this is a flare of the ulcerative colitis and nothing more.  Maybe compounded a little bit by stress from Mal at work and some friendship stressors.  I was hoping the CT scan would lead the. To cancel the colonoscopy, but I was due for one in a few months anyway so what the hell let's get it over with.

Alright,mine morning progresses.  Another three hours before I leave for work.  Maybe a small cuddle,with the cats and a nap.  More to come.

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