Thursday, October 2, 2014

It's raining, it's pour...what the hell?

Moments ago, waking me from a sound sleep, was a rather large crack of thumder which sent the cats scattering.  My big guy, Yankel, is the most afraid of thunderstorms.  So afaid that I tried to get him to use a Thunder Vest, but he wouldn't go for that.  His favorite safe place is in the bathroom between the toilet and the wall, thus...  Now I am not afraid of storms anymore,  time was when I lived in Detroit that if there was a storm il would hightail it into my grandmother's room for safety and sleep in the other twin bed.  When I first came to MSU and was living in the dorms folks would call and/or come to my room to see me through storms.  I have thankfully outgrown that fear, living alone as I have for over eighteen years.  No longer do I hide between the wall and the toilet, as it were.  It is a dark and stormy night.

Watching the ballgame.  Tigers already lost, hoping for the same for the KC Royals.  This game is a lot closer that the Tigers' ended up.  That was embarrassing.  Tigers need to take at least one from Baltimore before heading back to Detroit.  And before heading back to sleep I need to see KC lose.

The storm seems to have abated. That said it will probably resume momentarily.  Yankel is prepared.


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