Saturday, October 18, 2014

Good day

Friday was a Mal-less day.  It s like a weight had been  lifted.  I spoke with the president of my Union and if Mal approaches me at work on Monday, or whenever, I will say something to the effect that I am not discussing anything with her without my buddy Maury from the union.  As she is a scab from way back I don't expect her to know who Maury is.  But I don't plan on having any further interactions with her and at this point she has probably spoked with her ex husband who is with the Human Resources department at MSU, and probably gave her some advice on how to approach this,  but I doubt she will have the  balls to approach me.  But if she does I am prepared.  She is toxic and a carrier of bad karma.

On a happier note today we are going to a Harvest Tea at the Kellogg Center and then later tonight to a show at Wharton, Once.  (He show not the time).  Between the two we will hang out at my place.  It will be a fun day.

Tomorrow I will probably go to the farmers market nd get a few things.  And then probably dread going to work on Monday because of Mal.  I am grateful to have therapy on Monday.  But until Monday morning I will probably Valium and fret.  I am a world class fretter.

Haven't heard back anything about "my" home.  Maybe next week.


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