Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Saga of the Girl who Couldn't Sleep

I have been fully awake for two hours.  Finally got up, did my morning ritual and practiced the mandolin, quite successfully I might add, for an hour.  Last week if you asked me why I wasn't sleeping I'd say I don't know.  This week is the anticipation of a new home. I may have to wait ninety days to get a response from the bank but I think around the end of November I'll push some buttons. Passover is the 3rd of April and how nice to have a Seder dinner in my new home.  And you may notice I am being awfully optimistic about the prospect of a new home.  Pouring all my positive energy into it.  And I expect you to do so as well...if you are of a mind to...

I see my primary care doctor this afternoon.  Flu shot, refills and a talking to.  I am the last appointment of the day.  I should be home very late.

Picked up my new Mac Book Pro last night at the new Apple Store in town.  What a clusterfux.  The training people were standing around doing nothing and the sales people were all busy.  I had to wait for a sales associate to free himself up from a rather persistent older gentleman who had already purchased an iPhone 6 and then wanted to be shown all the desktop computers.  I had to wait almost twenty minutes just to pick up an already paid for laptop.  They had enough people standing around, they just can't all be helpful at once.  Good thing I didn't need help setting up.  I asked a question about transferring the music from the old Mac to the new and learned about iMatch for iTunes which is a cloud for your music.  So, in essence I was able to add music to the new computer, just not via the route I thought was the obvious solution.

Gonif Baby wants to cuddle and he who must be obeyed, must be obeyed.  More later.  I am sure I'll be up...

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