Friday, October 17, 2014


Today I will dwell upon Mal, who is on a collision course with none other than moi.  Seems I upset her fragile sensibilities with a phone call I had gotten yesterday and she shot me a very hostile email complaining about my "phone etiquette" and how "everybody" was annoyed with me.  Well she must have been speaking for the masses as I have not heard any other complains about my "phone etiquette".  I shot back an email saying that I could have said the same about her the day before and to "lighten up".  She shot back. "You have got to be frigging kidding me".  I do believe that upset her enough that she left for the day, without signing out I hasten to add.  I was so upset I emailed my supervisor. I sent her the texts of the exchanged emails and said I was going to go to Employee Assistance to help me deal with the situation, As I feel she is toxic and poses a threat to me.  I mean if looks alone could kill I would have died many times.

I am grateful she is out today.  The atmosphere will be much lighter and easy going,  I won't be looking over my shoulder to see if she is shooting me the evil eye.  She is a whiner of unparalleled being.  I suspect at some point I will be called Into someone's office for a talking to.  As my work is, In my opinion, exceptional  I don't think I have laid myself bare to an open attack.  It's basically a pissing match.  She has got to learn that her excrement does, indeed, emit a certain odor, not unlike most people's.

My appointment with Employee Assistance is not until October 28th.  I do have therapy on Monday.  So between the two I should be able to learn some coping strategies.  I shouldn't have to feel so threatened at work by her but I do feel threaten and a possible hostile work environemt. If management allows her to continue to dictate work "etiquette" for all in Tech. Services this is unequitable to all in the unit. Granted we are all packed in like sardines and we should observe some discretion but one person should not be allowed to be the final arbiter unless that person is the head of the unit.  She has spoken at times about being considerate but Mal goes above and beyond what is generally considered considerate.  Again I must repeat.  One person should not be able to dictate behavior for an entire work group.  I suspect, too, She is missing her window seat and wants mine.  That may be part of the problem.  Who knows.  Life sucks sometimes and this is one of them.

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