Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Soulsucker redux (Again)

I was privy to a remark made by Third Party to Gastric regarding something the Soulsucker said to Third Party's mother.  Soulsucker indicated that I was too mad to ever talk to her again (correctomundo) but she hoped at some point in the future she and Gastric could repair their relationship and move on and be friends again (according to Gastric "That ain't gonna happen").  I have pondered this remark for a while and I believe the Soulsucker was not being genuine.  I believe she was trying to portray herself the the conciliator in the relationship and that somehow the problem was Gastric's and nothing the Soulsucker did or said.  She was simply misunderstood and really hoped in the future they could be friends.  I am thinking she is telling this to our other friends and somehow thinks this will put her in a good light with them and make us look like the "shits we are".  As for the animus she believes I have towards her that could never be repaired, well, that is rather true.  For a "friend" to put a "ve-hicle" ahead of a friendship is beyond my understanding.  Come up with a better excuse, please.  This break-up was a long time coming and while we were pondering our next move between Christmas and New Year's I wrote a long note to Soulsucker saying her politics and her basic intolerance towards others who are diverse was a thorn in my side and saying that the friendship would never be more than an acquaintance in the future.  I never had a chance to give it to her but she is right.  I could never betray my inner sense of right and wrong for a friendship with her in the future.  So, there you go.  But that was what was in my thought process this morning.  Take it for what you will.

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