Monday, October 6, 2014

What he hell...

You'd think I have nothing better to do that to stay up all night.  Apparently I don't.  I nodded off about 10:30 and woke up 'round midnight, 'round might,,,it is now going o. 3:00 and I am as wide awake as can be.  Gonif is keeping me company but others are deep asleep.  And it will be a long day.  I have Hyphen and a mandolin lesson today.  Tomorrow I start the prep for the colonoscopy.  And I will be up all night Tuesday with that preparation.  Hopefully after Hyphen I can take a nap for an hour and recharge the batteries.  I noodled on the mandolin for a bit and watched a rather blue comedian and now. Access Hollywood.  I might have a little snack.  I might take some time to figure out what to speak to Hyphen about.  And deal with the fact she'll be off on the 13th.  But available via email one can hope.  I am yawning but I wish I could say I am tired.  This is the new me...not sleeping much and enjoying it less.  Of course that frees me up to write this blog but I have less to say.

I must say I am anxious about my upcoming test and the results of the CT scan.  I have no idea why I have had the pain and the other gastric issues. Mayhap it is a colitis flare gone mad.  I just know I am sick of being sick.  That was part of the Petoskey trip purpose was to deal with chronic pain and chronic illness issues for me, Gastric and Brody's mom.  And I ended up getting sicker.  Which was followed by a quick trip on the GI doctor and the barrage of testing,  and now the waiting and worry.

Tigers are out of the playoffs, rather quickly and now the Royals will play the Orioles for the league championship.  I am pulling for someone.  Baltimore I think.  I'd like to see the Nationals come back and win their series and go on to win their league series and have a Beltway World Series.  Other than that I don't really care.  Spring training starts in February and it starts all over again.  And I am reminded is Sisyphus rolling that rock uphill.  What's the point?  According to Camus we must imagine Sisyphus happy.  Otherwise one might get too depressed and decide to stop rolling that rock. And that is my deep though for the day.

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