Friday, October 24, 2014

Big day into a big night

Gastric, as she had been threatening to do all week, called in sick today but I suspect it is more of a mental health day than an illness.  So I am all along.  Went to Subway and snagged sandwiches for a few of us.  I'll eat at my desk.  Leaving at 4:00.  That is when the limo will depart.  I really need to get a good alias for her.  How about She Without an Alias?  Okay, I will work on it.

Big to do on campus tonight to mark the start of a major capital campaign for MSU.  I am going to the dinner at Beaumont extravaganza.  The preliminaries didn't interest me.  I think five hours in celebration of MSU is a bit lengthy, even for a diehard MSU supporter like myself.  Dinner at 8 will be sufficient.  Business casual is the attire.  I will have time to go home and rest before dinner. 

Tomorrow, ah, tomorrow, is the big rivalry football game between MSU and the other Michigan university.  Stand tall, men, and beat the piss out of the A2 riff raff.  I don't know if I will be brave enough to watch the game.  UofM has had a bad season so far and they really may be pumped for this game and take us to task.  I am prayerful we are equally as pumped and take it to them.  Go Green (Go White...fight, fight, fight)

Whatever the outcome of the game the town will be a looney bin for a few days.  I shan't be going out tomorrow.  I think I shall cook up some stew or short ribs turning into tacos.  Slow cooking day.

I wish, I wish, I wish I knew more about the remodel of the house.  And also if I can get the condo sold quickly.  I am getting anxious, like I used to before the end of the year and the holidays.  Having the house worked on will make the winter pass more quickly.  I hope.

I am trying to get an analogy worked out. Something along the lines of:  It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.  And it came out like: it's not the amount of life lived but a life well lived.  This was brought on as I was listening to music yesterday and the song was very upbeat and I wondered, to myself of course, how the singer might have sung the song if she was aware that she'd be dead at a young age.  So, I thought, along the lines, that it isn't the length of the live lived, but the how it is lived.  She sung that song like there was no tomorrow to worry about.  She was living...not worried about how long she would like, but living for the moment.  I need to be more in the moment.

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