Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day two of Mal watch

Well, Mal behaved herself yesterday, actually being social to Gastric, which gave Gastric a woozy tummy.  She did not speak to me.  My big fear was that she would. I am still waiting for. The Other shoe to fall.  I will not engage in a discussion with her.  My thought was her ex husband, who is chair of the United Way campaign for. MSU (which I am involved with),  and he is also a big wig in The HR department for MSU, would have told her what to do to me.  Mayhap because of the United Way work I am doing lead him to tell her to lighten up and back off. Whatever, she did not bother me today.  I will be getting calls about the house from a number of people and she may blow again.  I will not engage.  I think I will speak with my boss this week and get some back up. I will start with saying I realize we are packed in like sardines and we should endeavor to be accommodating, but...one person should  Not dictate the rules for a whole roomful of people.  I try to be quiet on the phone but due to hearing loss I may speak too loud.  Lighten up and get over yourself.

But...I still have fears regarding her bullying of me and those around her.  She will at some point go ballistic again and all I can hope for is she takes more time off.  She is such an unhappy person and she makes those around her as unhappy as she can.  I don't think retirement is going to make anything better.  I try to be as positive as possible and try to say something nice about all the folks I have contact with.  Yet...I can't seem to find anything nice to say about her,  sad, that is.

Alright.  Work on finalizing the house sale begins today,  I have to get my condo ready for sale.  Life can't get much better...except for the Mals in the world.

BTW, I am still plotzing

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