Thursday, October 2, 2014

Dancing the CT scan

I has less than an hour.  Of course since I can't eat or drink until after the exam I am very thirsty and have a headache I can't take a Tylenol for until after.  And I have to drink two icky bottles of contrast and have  an iodine IV that make it feel like you are wetting your drawers when they administer it.  So I have about three hours until I can take my medication and have a Coke.  Fortunately there is a Sparty's snack bar close to the scan center in the Clincial Center on campus.  So those of you missing me this morning and my door opening technique I apologie.  And you'll miss me next Wednesday when the colonoscopy is.  Bang into unopened doors, ye mighty, and bitch at your meetings about it.  You know who I am talking about.  Gastric is taking me and I am off in a few.  I will walk back to work, hopefully not in the rain.  I might have two Cokes today as a reward and to get all that crap out of my body.  Salad for lunch...who knows what for dinner,  potatoes perhaps.  Anyway I is off (certainly am).  Later.

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