Sunday, October 19, 2014

Shine on harvest moon

Gastric, the Sherpa and I had a great day Saturday.  Went to a tea at Kellogg and the food and friends were great.  Pumpkin roasted pepper soup.  Wow, was that good.  I enjoyed everything but th whitefish canapé,  as I don't lie to eat fish.  Then in the evening we went to see Once, which I probably would have enjoyed more if I could understand all the dialects they were using.  Music was great.   Shops went down to be on the stage as it was a very open production,

Sunday is full of angst as I am anxious about a potential run in with Mal Monday morning,  I have a small script but she is such a bully I fear for me emotional safety, really I do.  So I spent the day ru Ning small errands, watching movies and football.  And fretting.  Gastric will be home soon and I can be a little relieved when I speak with her.  I can't seem to relax enough for my usual Sunday afternoon nap.  It's all Mal's fault.  I just had a nice relaxing shower and I am hoping to rake advantage of some peace and quiet.

Gonif is telling to relax,  and to get those chicken wings cooked for dinner tonight.  I am going to season them up soon and get the new air fryer out. I need to,relax.


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