Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Talk about fun

Was on the phone a great deal today regarding the purchase of the house.  Talked to Dan and decided to,put 20% down and have about $30,000 for renovations.  Put in an initial bid $14,000 lower than the asking price so we will see if that flies.  If they come back with a counter offer we will take it from there.  But I have been pre-approved for a mortgage so the housing ball is really rolling.

Decided to put a wish list together for a house warming.  I have never had a wedding shower so maybe this is the time in my life to ask for stuff.  Basically I want outdoor stuff Ike a grill/smoker, BBQ tools, stuff for yard work, a bird feeder, etc.  so if you are interested in what all I want log on to Amazon.com and check out my wish list for my open house.

So basically the offer sheet goes in tomorrow and we take it from there.  Brad the Contractor thinks we can get the kitchen done for around $20,000 including appliances,  get the floors and the wood work stained and the house painted inside and that will eat up the rest of the renovation monies.  Then I will be as happy as a pig in slop.  Oh, yes, I want the screens replaced on the porch.  I purchased a few paintings today and a new mezuzah for the front door.   I have been so excited I can hardly sleep.

Once our offer is accepted I will have a Brad start working on the house.  Then I can get Jackie in to start packing and tossing.  The bank has ninety days to reply to the offer (the house is in foreclosure). I am hoping by opening day of baseball, April 6th 2015, I will be in my new home.


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