Tuesday, July 29, 2014

...and thus ends

Emily and her brood made a return visit this afternoon, mere moments ago, spotted thanks to Bookworm's keen eye. There were in the parking lot cleaning up from the morning's chow. We managed to wrangle them over to the sidewalk where they stayed momentarily and then headed back to the river. Twice in one day...sounds like I have a moral obligation to feed the crew. I'll have to go out after afternoon breaks now and also be careful where I leave feed in the morning. I don't want some wanton UPS driver to run my pals over, much less FedEx or the various MSU trucks, vans and other delivery vehicles. I am here for another few hours today and then out to dinner with Brody's Mom. Will make for a long day but the appearance of the babies and Emily made my day. Maybe more photos tomorrow. The ducklings are getting bigger. And they are able to manage the larger pieces of corn now and not just the smaller seeds. Oh, Emily, stay safe tonight and I will see you all tomorrow.

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