I was a regular pot head. This is not to say that I smoked a great deal, just pretty regularly. Even so brazen to do it when I was home, sneaking up to the attic mid afternoon one summer day to imbibe. Back in the day, mind you. I used to come home from the library when I was in college, stoned and hungry. And very studied. I had a 3.9 GPA so my grades didn't suffer, I went to a Jesuit University, University of Detroit (pre-Mercy). It was no easy go, I was in the honors college and was in the Jesuit equivalent of Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Sigma Nu. And I did my undergrad in just under 3.5 years. But back to that summer afternoon. I imbibed and was a little high and I came downstairs a little too soon. Well my grandmother, Dorothy, was in the den and I walked in and she said to me, and remember I was about twenty years old, "sit on my lap". Of course I giggled and thought this was hysterical. I did not comply. She persisted. "Sit on my lap". Again I said no and giggled. Finally I did sit in her lap and she pointed to the bookshelves and said. "There, look at all that dust!" And I totally lost it. No, I didn't dust. But at that point in time I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever heard. Drugs, can't live with them, can't live without them. I even smoked once with my alcoholic mother who said after several tokes "I don't feel a thing". Of course she was drunk at the time. She smoked that once with me but was always critical of some cousins who regularly partook. I see nothing wrong with it it I wouldn't smoke again, just because I don't want to get in the habit of smoking again...but as an edible, sure, why not, legalize pot and be done with it.
Thus endeth today's sermon on the sins of drug use. Alcohol did more to fux me up than did pot. And I still don't drink. But I wouldn't mind getting high occasionally, as long as it was short lived and I could maintan some control. I know the Soul Sucker thought and thinks pot is the devil's poison, but it didn't hurt me one bit. And as far as drugs, I take the requisite amount of psychotropics to maintain my level of sanity and intensity. Without Abilify I would be a basket case. And take that as a on endorsement of my psychiatrist for putting me on it and the pharmaceutical company for making it. God knows what it is doing to my brain long term but it is my salvation . So long live Abilify and all the good it does. And pot, well to each his or her own, I do not judge. Medical marijuana is just the first step. It should be available like it is in Colorado and Washington. It would empty the prisons and create a great revenue source.
Okay, now I am really done.
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