Tuesday, July 1, 2014


By the way.  For those of you who might be actually following this blog I will tell you the water in the building as been turned back on and it is once again safe to flush a toilet.   I have no idea what the cost was to Patricia, all I know is the water is back on.  A big yippee to the plumber du jour, wadiing through God knows what to fix a cat litter cemented toilet.

And to Hyphen, wherever she may be, yes I am going to the  Lugnuts game on the 4th and will see fireworks up close and personal.  Gotta love my friends who will go to an event at the drop of a hat.  Hugs to you all.  See I actually do have some friends aside from Gastric, her evil Sister Nutella, JB and LAD.  And Brody's mom and the fantastic photographer, the seamstress and her husband Artie,  Toledo, Honest Bob, Chicago Lady, and the Kimster.  Not to mention a number of acquaintances at work.  You love me, you really love me...

Thus endeth another day.

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