Monday, July 14, 2014

Donna Duck here

The Czarina is currently indisposed, laying in the fetal position on the couch.  So I thought I would take over the blog for a while.

First I wanna thank all the good folks who suggested that the Czarina get duck food for me. While I  loved the bread sticks they were not good for my girlish figure.  The Duck Chow is very good and I favor the corn over the smaller seeds.

Second, thanks to all the good library folks on the loading dock in the morning for feeding this orphan of the storm,  I know the Czarina feels a special affinity with the orphan of the storm.

The indisposed Czarina wants to mention that on the way to Hyphen's she and JB saw four young deers, two male two female, eating leaves off  a tree.  I guess the Czarina did not have deer chow or else she would have stopped to feed them.

The Czarina is very tired from her session with Hyphen and not feeling too well physically.  Maybe because all she had today was a Coke.  She should learn to take better care of herself, like she does me.

So, I am looking forward to seeing my library friends on the dock in the morning.  I have a hankering for corn, and, yes, bread sticks too.  But to keep the peace I shall only partake of the corn and seeds.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled program.

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