Sunday, July 13, 2014

I am ready

I start playing again.  I took a week off and now I am emotionally and intellectually ready to begin again.  Mayhap a session playing with a friend can be arranged.  But I think starting again is right. Slowly to begin with as my left hand is a tad bit sore from all the weather changes.

So yesterday I finished reading "Mean Mothers" and have fodder for therapy.  I had one, damn straight.  I will work on writing some thoughts out for the session tomorrow as it helped last week to keep me focused.  And only ten minutes will be devoted to Patricia, now to be known as the former Clovella.  I did have a two minute conversation with her regarding phone calls at work and constantly bothering me.  I feel like I have really set some good and lasting boundaries.

And speaking of fodder, Donna Duck now will have duck feed to feast upon.  Five pounds of it.  Now Donna and her friends will have the right food, fit for ducks, and not the bread sticks that will foul her fowl.

And finally here is Mr. Simcha in full belly whore formation.  I am off to the farmers' market.

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