Tuesday, July 8, 2014

One relaxed moment

At least one of us was relaxed last night.  Gonif took over the chair and is on the way to La La  Land. I was up most of the night, finally opting out of consciousness around 3:30. Slept all the way until 5:00  a.m.  I have a ten hour day at work awaiting me.  Well, maybe my duck buddy will be back.  For sure Gastric, aka She Who Walks With Turtles, will be on the loading dock with me this morning discussing God knows what, maybe turtles, and girding our loins to do battle with the powers that be. Thank goodness I have no meetings today.  And I have plenty of work to keep me busy;  my lists from last week are very long and I have a great deal of catch up to play.  Took the day off from practicing and feel a little less frustrated.

A poem:

SHE walks with turtles, like the night. Of cloudless climes and starry skies,. And all that's best of dark and bright. Meets in her aspect and her eyes


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