Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What a day

That is what it feels like today.  As I am getting ready to depart my condo there was a necessarily redundant cute kitten roaming outside the building all alone and I, well, felt verklempt.  Poor orphan of the storm.  She ran and hid in the bushes and I can only hope she was running to her momma.  I obsessed about the kitten all the way to work.  And to add insult to injury Donna Duck din not make an appearance this morning.  Verklempt and bereft. 

I do have some manner of doctor's appointment today.  I will be grilled on my last set of labs, which by her account, were not very good.  But more than that, with all the changes in the weather lately I am feeling kind of, well, icky.  Maybe I can offset her concern with a case of the ickies.  Also, icky news from Doctor M who would like me to go to giving myself injections of my arthritis medication and that is freaking me out.  I don't feel like giving myself shots.  Well, I have a few weeks before I see her again and I can delay making that decision until I see her again. 

So all manner of anger and grief issues melding with medical issues and my state of mind is kind of crappy.  If I could breathe deeply I would but my sinuses are all plugged and I can't breathe.  Go gentle all.

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