Thursday, July 24, 2014

Yet another duck

We had a visit from yet another duck with three smaller ducklings in tow. This was not Donna, as the ducklings were much smaller than hers. This we, or rather I, decided, is Emily Duckinson. She waxed poetic "I do not intend to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death...". Oh Emily, dear Emily. Such strong words for such a small duck. Yes, Emily is decidedly more, shall we say attuned, to me spiritually. Whereas Donna marches right up to us on the loading dock, Emily was far more timid and I fed her and the ducklings by the bridge over the lovely and much maligned Red Cedar River. I hope the promise of corn and small seeds are enough to lure her and Donna back tomorrow. Thus we had our daily duck but not the one we expected. Here's to getting the word out.

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