Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dawn of the Duck

As is my habit in the mornings I open the mail room door to allow early access to the library for staff. Gastric usually sits with me and we discuss, no, not turtles, but this morning Dawn of the Duck.  A female duck came to visit us and while she was drinking water from puddles in the parking lot I got some of a duck's most favorite food, breadsticks (What, no pasta?).  I was able to hand feed her for almost twenty minutes while Gastric took this photo.  When the Donut Lady, Amy, arrived she pulled in very carefully and I was able to herd the the duck away from her van.  And then the unthinkable happen: the duck pooped in the puddle.  I guess it is another instance of Garbage in, Garbage out.  She ate some more breadsticks before taking off for the river.

So, here is the photo that Gastric took with her phone. Of course you can see this is my best side...I hope she doesn't return tomorrow as I will be home sleeping, I hope, or practicing reading music...

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